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Over decades, Joe Palooka appeared in comic books from several comic book publishers. Early comic books offered strip reprints.

Joe paluka comic strip

14 Feb Joe Palooka was an American comic strip about a heavyweight boxing champion , created by cartoonist Ham Fisher in The strip debuted.

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Description:Joe Palooka Joe Palooka was an American comic strip about a heavyweight boxing champion, created by cartoonist Ham Fisher in The strip debuted in and was carried at its peak by newspapers. In , a mountain in Pennsylvania was named for the character. In his home town of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Fisher devised the character in after he met a boxer, Pete Latzo, outside a poolroom. I ran back to the office, drew a set of strips and rushed to the newspaper syndicates. It debuted April 19, , and by , it was ranked as one of the five most popular newspaper comic strips.

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